

What is iPOP!?


iPOP! (International Presentation of Perfomers) is dedicated to promoting talent who are commercially marketable:  actors, singers, dancers and models who are ready for representation, ready to audition and want to be seen and heard.  iPOP! brings today’s top agents and managers, leaders in the music and fashion world, to see new faces and talent who have been trained and prepared to perform by our iPOP! members.  Performers arrive in Los Angeles and are scheduled for auditions where performance levels are evaluated.  All performers are seen by agents and managers at First Impressions and performers are cast for roles in the Awards Night Celebration of Success Showcase.  Every performer is a star that evening when hundreds of awards are announced. 


Every performer will also have the opportunity to meet face-to-face, one-on-one, with some of the top casting directors and agents in the entertainment industry.  This is a rare opportunity!


Taylor will be participating in iACT!  iACT! consists of the following:


Ø     Actors must prepare a one-minute monologue or a 90 second scene with another actor in their group.

Ø     Actors will also perform scenes from a commercial script as well as a soap opera script.  All material will be age-appropriate.

Ø     Acting ability and casting potential are evaluated in on-camera auditions. 


We are looking for sincere businesses who would like to sponsor Taylor and her trip to iPOP!  The following will tell you a bit about Taylor and our journey thus far.



To:       Potential Sponsors


From:   The Parents of Taylor


Date:    August 31, 2005



We would like to thank you for taking time to look over the information in this packet and for considering becoming a sponsor for Taylor in this incredible journey to Los Angeles.  We would like to tell you a bit about Taylor and how we arrived at this moment.


Taylor attends second grade  and is an A student.  She has just begun her fifth year of dance lessons and has also played the piano for four years.  She is extremely dedicated to anything she takes on. 


Our journey began back in July of this year.  We took Taylor to an “open audition” at John Robert Powers.  Taylor has always shown a love for acting and modeling, so we decided to take advantage of the opportunity to be seen by talent scouts at JRP as well as a couple of Personal Management firms.  After a brief interview and a “cold read” commercial performance, Taylor was invited for a call back and was offered a one-year career development contract with John Robert Powers as well as a one-year management contract with The Crawford Agency. 


After Taylor’s fourth week of acting classes, (she takes two classes per week), we started hearing bits and pieces of information about an audition for iPOP!, an event taking place in Los Angeles in January, 2006.  We decided to let Taylor audition for a spot.  Honestly, we didn’t really expect a lot to come from this.  It was her first audition and she had only been taking classes a few weeks.  She auditioned with a Pepsi commercial that is normally done by 18 – 25 year olds who audition.  She nailed it!  During my phone conversation the next day, the gentleman she auditioned for was incredibly impressed with her.  He said she was a natural and belonged in this business.  He felt she would achieve great things in Los Angeles! 


Taylor is one of only a very select few to be chosen to represent John Robert Powers in Los Angeles in January.  This is a great opportunity and will potentially open many, many doors in the entertainment industry.


Taylor just received five scripts in two days for various projects:  a TV movie, two Sesame Street episodes and two feature films!  We just submitted auditions for two of the scripts and will be doing a third one next week.  The training she will get at iPOP! as well as the exposure will only make the opportunities for Taylor that much greater!


We hope that you will give serious consideration to sponsoring Taylor, and again thank you for your time and consideration!

To:       Potential Sponsors


From:   Taylor


Date:    August 31, 2005



            Hi!  My name is Taylor  , I am seven years old, and I am with John Roberts Powers and The Crawford Agency.  I am in the second grade and I will be eight years old soon.


            I am very excited about the possibility of going to Los Angeles after Christmas.  I have always wanted to be an actor and iPOP! is my chance to be seen by people in the television and movie business.  Your sponsorship can help make my dreams come true!


            I am very serious about my acting classes and about always doing my very best at whatever I do.  I love to act, sing, dance and model, and hope that my trip to Los Angeles will give me more chances to do so.  I just started my fifth year of dance lessons and I have taken piano lessons for four years.  I am also in my sixth week of acting classes at John Robert Powers. I love school and I am an A student.


            I just auditioned for an episode of Sesame Street and a TV movie.  I get to audition for a feature film next week.  I can’t wait to go to L.A. to get more training and meet casting agents and directors for New York, Chicago, L.A., and many other places all over the world!


            Thank you for looking at my information and considering being a sponsor for me! 











Sponsorship Information



       Sponsorships in any amount are welcome.  The total cost for the trip is $7,400.  This fee includes airfare, hotel accommodations, the iPOP! registration fee, and all workshops and seminars. 


       Any business who sponsors with $100 or more, will have their business name printed in the iPOP! Performers book.  This book is seen by hundreds of people across the United States and is a great way to advertise your business!


       Thank you again for taking time to look over our packet and for your consideration!








Please get in touch with any comments or reactions to my site, mdalgama@hotmail.com .